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Update on Swift observations of Mkn 335 in its deep low state

ATel #11835; Dirk Grupe (Morehead State University), S. Komossa (MPIfR), Luigi Gallo (St. Mary's University), & Norbert Schartel (ESAC)
on 9 Jul 2018; 23:05 UT
Credential Certification: Dirk Grupe (

Subjects: Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, AGN

We provide an update to the most recent Swift observations of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mkn 335 (RA-2000=00h06m19.5s, Dec-2000=+20d12m11s), which last week was found in the dimmest flux ever in the UVW2 band (1923A) (Grupe et al., ATel #11815). Our new 1 ks Swift observation, this time carried out in all filters, was performed 2018-July-08 starting at 17:26 UT. Mrk 335 remained at a very low 0.3-10 keV flux at a level of (2.0+0.36-0.17)e-15 W m^-2 (or 2.6e-15 W m^-2, after correction for Galactic absorption). The UVOT observations confirmed the lowest optical-UV state every seen (since the beginning of Swift monitoring) in all 6 filters, as listed below (magnitudes corrected for Galactic reddening, E(B-V)=0.035, are given in parentheses): V=14.74+/-0.04 (14.62), B=15.06+/-0.04 (14.91), U=13.93+/-0.04 (13.72), UVW1=13.92+/-0.04 (13.68), UVM2=14.07+/-0.04 (13.73), UVW2=14.12+/-0.04 (13.83). We would like to thank Brad Cenko for approving our ToO request and the Swift team for promptly executing this observation. We will continue monitoring Mkn 335 with Swift over the next two weeks.