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e-MERLIN 5 GHz Observations of AT2018cow

ATel #11819; A. Horesh (HUJI), J. Moldon (Manchester), R. Beswick (Manchester), J. Bright (Oxford), R. Fender (Oxford), and I. Sfaradi (HUJI)
on 5 Jul 2018; 11:26 UT
Credential Certification: Assaf Horesh (

Subjects: Radio, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 11900

We observed the transient source AT2018cow (ATel #11727) with e-MERLIN, as part of the joint e-MERLIN/AMI-LA monitoring campaign, at a central frequency of 5 GHz (with a bandwidth of 512 MHz) on July 03/04 2018. Only four e-MERLIN stations have been used (Pi, Kn, De, Cm) and the resulting image sensitivity is 31 microJy/beam rms. We detect radio emission from AT2018cow at 5 GHz with a flux density of ~ 170 microJy. The position of the radio source is at RA = 16h16m00.2244s, Dec = +22d16'04.890" (J2000; a few mas positional uncertainty). Future e-MERLIN observations are planned. We thank the e-MERLIN team for scheduling and carrying out these observations.