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Late time radio upper limit on hybrid Ia/IIn supernova SN 2005gj

ATel #1179; Poonam Chandra (NRAO/UVA) and Vikram Dwarkadas (U. Chicago)
on 13 Aug 2007; 07:45 UT
Credential Certification: Poonam Chandra (

Subjects: Radio, Supernovae

We observed the Type Ia/IIn supernova SN 2005gj (CBET 247, IAUC 8616 , IAUC 8633 ) roughly 2 years after the discovery with the Very Large Array (VLA) of National Radio Astronomy Observatory on August 12, 2007 at 10.56 UT. The observations were taken at 8.46 GHz band width in A- configuration of the VLA. We do not detect any radio emission at the supernova position. The 2-sigma upper limit on flux density of SN 2005gj is 70 uJy (map rms 35 uJy). We thank VLA staff for making these observations possible. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.