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COATLI optical observations of AT2018cow/ATLAS18qqn

ATel #11751; Alan M. Watson (UNAM), Eleonora Troja (GSFC), Nat Butler (ASU), Rosa L. Becerra (UNAM), William H. Lee (UNAM), Carlos Roman-Zuniga (UNAM), and Alexander Kutyrev (GSFC) report:
on 21 Jun 2018; 15:07 UT
Credential Certification: Eleonora Troja (

Subjects: Optical, Gamma-Ray Burst, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 11753, 11757, 11758, 11772

We monitored the field of AT2018cow/ATLAS18qqn (Smartt et al. ATel #11727) with the COATLI 50-cm telescope and interim imager at the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional on the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir ( in BVRI from 2018-06-21 04:04 to 10:01.

We detect the transient at r = 14.9 mag. This magnitude is calibrated against the Pan-STARRS1 catalog and is not corrected for Galactic extinction in the direction of the source.

We also detect fading in all filters by about 0.1 magnitudes over 6 hours.

Further observations are planned.

We thank the COATLI technical team (Fernando Ángeles, Oscar Chapa, Salvador Cuevas, Alejandro Farah, Jorge Fuentes, Rosalía Langarica, Fernando Quirós, and Carlos Tejada) and the staff of the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional.