Discovery of DLT18v/AT2018beg with PROMPT and the DLT40 Survey
ATel #11600; D. Sand (Arizona), S. Valenti (UC Davis), S. Wyatt (Arizona), S. Yang (INAF-OAPd), D. E. Reichart, J. B. Haislip, V. Kouprianov (UNC)
on 3 May 2018; 14:14 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: David Sand (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We report the discovery of DLT18v/AT 2018beg, which was first imaged by the PROMPT5 0.41m telescope located at CTIO on 2018 May 03.35 (UT) at r~17.9 mag during the ongoing D<40 Mpc (DLT40) sub-day cadence supernova search. A confirmation image was obtained on 2018 May 03.52 with the PROMPT telescope at Meckering Observatory, Australia. DLT18v is located at RA: 13:51:20.085 DEC: -48:01:28.86, ~2.5 arcmin from the potential host galaxy ESO 221- G 013. Due to the low galactic latitude of this transient, and its remote location from its potential host, it is also plausibly a Galactic transient. We do not detect the transient on 2018 April 30.3 or in prior imaging of the field. All images were taken in a 'Clear' filter which was calibrated to an approximate r-band magnitude. Further observations are encouraged.