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KEGS Discovery of 28 Supernova Candidates and One Nuclear Transient in the K2 Campaign 16 Field with DECam

ATel #11344; A. Rest, G. M. Strampelli (STScI), A. Zenteno, D. J. James, R. C. Smith (CTIO), B. E. Tucker (ANU), P. Garnavich (Notre Dame), S. Margheim (Gemini), D. Kasen (UCB/LBL), R. Olling, E. Shaya (Maryland), F. Forster Buron (U. de Chile)
on 23 Feb 2018; 19:09 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Armin Rest (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 11345, 11463, 11557, 11630, 11642

KEGS, the Kepler Extra-Galactic Survey, reports the discovery of 18 supernova candidates, 8 of which are new discoveries, using the Dark Energy Camera (DECam, NOAO 2017B-0279 and 2017B-0258) on the 4m Blanco Telescope at Cerro Tololo (CTIO). These transients are within the Campaign 16 footprint of the Kepler extended mission (K2), which is currently monitoring the field using a 30-minute cadence but a single broad filter.

Name      | DECam Name | Other Names| RA (J2000)     | Dec (J2000)   | Disc. Date| Disc Mag | KIC       | Notes  
SN2017ixf | C16-0004   | PS17fiq    | 09 04 56.355   |+14 40 09.21   |  20180123 |20.49 i   | 211609673 |  
SN2017jgh | C16-0006   | PS17fkd    | 09 02 56.732   |+12 03 04.46   |  20180123 |20.95 i   | 211427218 |  
AT2018qb  | C16-0010   | -          | 08 56 50.977   |+21 07 38.53   |  20180123 |18.20 i   | 212051579 | (1) 
AT2018mn  | C16-0012   | -          | 08 50 07.572   |+13 18 50.00   |  20180123 |20.81 i   | 211512266 |  
SN2017jgj | C16-0026   | PS17fke    | 09 07 17.544   |+20 56 39.54   |  20180125 |21.22 i   | 212041154 |  
SN2017hbr | C16-0034   | Gaia17cmt  | 09 24 18.679   |+22 03 26.56   |  20180125 |20.82 i   | 251361743 |  
SN2018ns  | C16-0041   | -          | 09 14 10.223   |+14 15 37.30   |  20180125 |21.82 i   | 211579863 |  
SN2018nt  | C16-0043   | -          | 09 23 27.454   |+17 11 03.40   |  20180125 |19.26 i   | 251305639 |  
SN2017jgi | C16-0048   | PS17fkc    | 09 01 58.117   |+13 46 44.32   |  20180125 |20.82 i   | 211545516 |  
SN2017ilf | C16-0050   | ASASSN-17pp| 09 16 44.715   |+18 57 14.93   |  20180125 |19.66 i   | 251325213 |  
AT2018uv  | C16-0051   | -          | 09 05 55.915   |+13 25 05.68   |  20180125 |21.89 i   | 211519691 |  
SN2018hb  | C16-0055   | PS18eo     | 09 06 15.249   |+17 20 21.80   |  20180125 |21.47 i   | 211801591 |  
SN2018hc  | C16-0057   | PS18eq     | 09 15 38.719   |+17 18 22.50   |  20180125 |21.27 i   | 211799167 |  
SN2018ha  | C16-0061   | PS18ep     | 09 11 22.987   |+23 51 28.48   |  20180126 |19.78 i   | 251385707 |  
SN2018qa  | C16-0062   | -          | 09 19 48.326   |+14 27 07.41   |  20180126 |20.39 i   | 251280226 |  
SN2018py  | C16-0063   | -          | 08 40 52.961   |+17 56 53.46   |  20180126 |21.39 i   | 211845074 |  
AT2018pz  | C16-0064   | -          | 08 40 10.634   |+23 52 12.55   |  20180126 |20.79 i   | 212184937 |  
SN2018oh  | C16-0066   | ASASSN-18bt| 09 06 39.580   |+19 20 17.36   |  20180126 |18.96 i   | 251809520 | 
(1) Bright nuclear transient, likely associated with AGN activity