WSRT Non-Detection of Radio Pulsations from the New X-ray MSP SWIFT J1756.9-2508 During its Recent Outburst
ATel #1129; J. W.T. Hessels (API, Univ. of Amsterdam), B. W. Stappers (ASTRON, Univ. of Amsterdam)
on 4 Jul 2007; 21:42 UT
Credential Certification: Jason W.T. Hessels (
Subjects: Radio, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar
Referred to by ATel #: 2138
We have searched for coherent radio pulsations from the new 182-Hz X-ray
pulsar SWIFT J1756.9-2508 (ATel #1105, #1107, #1108, #1111, #1114, #1117,
#1128) with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) in the
Netherlands. We observed SWIFT J1756.9-2508 (pointing at RA = 17:56:57.2,
DEC = -25:06:26.28 J2000) for 3000s (> 90% of the source's orbital period)
on MJD 54266.103 (15 June 2007) with WSRT in a tied array (non-imaging)
mode, using the PuMa pulsar backend. PuMa provided 25-us sampling and
0.16-MHz channels covering 60 MHz of RFI clean bandwidth centered at 1.4
Given the unknown dispersion measure (DM) towards this source, we searched
trial timeseries dedispersed from DM 0-700 pc cm^-3 in steps of 1-4 pc cm^-3
(the step size being larger at higher DMs). These timeseries were searched
using a Fourier-based linear acceleration search (Ransom et al. 2002, AJ,
124, 1788) of the full data span, as well as overlapping chunks of 750s
each. This was done to partially account for Doppler shifting of the signal
due to orbital motion. Furthermore, these timeseries were folded at the
known spin period of the pulsar, allowing for a small search in spin period
and period derivative to account for orbital motion.
No pulsations were detected in these searches. Assuming the radio signal
was not overly smeared by intra-binary or interstellar scattering, or
orbital motion, we can place a 1.4-GHz flux upper limit of ~ 0.5 mJy on
pulsed radio emission from SWIFT J1756.9-2508. These radio observations
were taken shortly after the source's discovery, during which it was X-ray
active. The availability of a more precise rotational ephemeris would allow
deeper searches of this data for radio pulsations. Recent observations, now
that this source is X-ray quiet (ATel #1117), have failed to detect a radio
point source at this position (ATel #1128).