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Spectroscopic Classification of Seven Supernovae

ATel #11204; P. Blanchard, S. Gomez, M. Nicholl, E. Berger (Harvard/CfA)
on 19 Jan 2018; 22:45 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Peter Blanchard (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

We obtained optical spectroscopic observations of 7 transients reported to the Transient Name Server by the ATLAS survey (Tonry et al. 2011, PASP, 123, 58; Tonry et al., ATel #8680), the Pan-STARRS Survey for Transients (PSST; Huber et al., ATel #7153; ), DPAC and the ESA Gaia Photometric Science Alerts Team (, and the Tsinghua University-National Astronomical Observatories of China Transient Survey (TNTS). We used the Blue Channel Spectrograph mounted on the 6.5m MMT Telescope (3400-8400 angstroms) and FAST on the 1.5m Tillinghast Telescope (3500-7300 angstroms). The classifications, shown below, were performed using SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). The redshifts listed below are inferred from the best fitting SNID templates.

Name | RA (J2000) | DEC (J2000) | Obs. Date | Disc. Date | Disc. Source | Disc. Mag | z | Type | Sp. Phase
AT2017iya | 23:00:54.34 | +08:43:27.2 | 20180105 | 20171212 | ATLAS | 19.2 | 0.06 | Ia | ~5-10 d
AT2017jnb | 07:55:28.35 | +31:03:05.9 | 20180105 | 20171225 | PSST | 20.6 | 0.16 | Ia | ~max
AT2017jlz | 12:19:51.32 | +07:34:16.3 | 20180106 | 20171228 | PSST | 18.3 | 0.06 | Ia | ~3-7 d
AT2017izn | 01:53:31.36 | +39:49:19.1 | 20180108 | 20171215 | Gaia | 18.5 | 0.09 | Ia | ~15-20 d
AT2017iyp | 00:50:25.23 | +52:17:52.1 | 20180108 | 20171213 | Gaia | 18.5 | 0.04 | Ia | ~25-30 d
AT2017jbp | 08:57:17.68 | +63:32:46.8 | 20180108 | 20171207 | PSST | 20.6 | 0.14 | Ia | ~25-30 d
AT2018dt | 08:53:22.17 | +48:59:44.4 | 20180112 | 20180108 | TNTS | 18.6 | 0.08 | Ia | ~3-6 d

We thank the FAST observers Michael Calkins and Perry Berlind.