The X-ray pulsar navigation 1 (XPNAV-1) satellite is a small soft X-ray (0.5-10 keV band) telescope launched on 10 November 2016, which continues to do X-ray timing studies for pulsars. The time-resolved soft X-ray spectrometer (TSXS) is the major scientific payload onboard XPNAV-1 which monitors the Crab pulsar (PSR B0531+21) every day. Detailed information about the XPNAV-1 and the TSXS was given in the published paper as follows
During the time span of the largest glitch of the Crab pulsar recently reported in the radio band (ATel #10939), totally 111 TSXS observations of the Crab pulsar were carried out, of which 15 were executed during the 6 days shortly after this glitch. These X-ray observations confirm the recent glitch.
Our preliminary analysis indicates a fractional rotational spin-up of \delta(F0)/F0 = (0.470+/-0.002)E-6 (3-sigma) and the glitch epoch of MJD 58064.55+/-0.01(3 sigma), which is consistent with the values as reported by Shaw et al. (ATel #10939). The phase connected residuals with the pre-glitch solutions can be seen at the link below.
Continuous follow-up XPNAV-1 observations of the Crab pulsar will be operated to obtain more detailed glitch physical information.