H alpha emission in SAX J2103.5+4545
ATel #1085; Antonis Manousakis (University of Crete), Pablo Reig (FORTH/University of Crete) and Anastasios Kougentakis (FORTH)
on 25 May 2007; 16:06 UT
Credential Certification: Pablo Reig (pablo.reig@uv.es)
Subjects: Optical, Binary, Transient, Pulsar
The high-mass X-ray binary SAX J2103.5+4545 was observed from Skinakas
observatory (Crete) on 2007 May 14 (UT 22:24) and 20 (UT 22:12). The H
alpha line showed a double-peak profile and weak emission with equivalent
width 2.5+-0.2 and 1.9+-0.2 angstrom, respectively. This is the first
report of H alpha emission since 2003 August. The optical activity
coincides with renewed X-ray activity (Galis et al, ATel #1063; Krimm et
al. ATel #1064). The 2007 May optical observations took place at the end of the
X-ray outburst, when the X-ray flux had already fallen to pre-outburst values. The
weak H alpha emission and split profile and X-ray activity agree with
optical/X-ray observations performed during the end of the previous bright
state in 2003 (Reig et al. 2004, A&A, 673, 680).