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Gemini Near-infrared spectroscopic observations of Type IIP SN2017eaw in NGC6946

ATel #10765; Jeonghee Rho (SETI Institute/SOFIA Science Center), Thomas R. Geballe (Gemini Observatory), Dipankar P. K. Banerjee and Vishal Joshi (Physical Research Lab., Ahmedabad, India), Aneurin Evans (Keele U., UK) and Luc Dessart (UMI 3386, CNRS, Universidad de Chile)
on 21 Sep 2017; 04:07 UT
Credential Certification: Jeonghee Rho (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Supernovae, Transient

We report 0.84-2.52 spectra of the Type IIP supernova SN 2017eaw in NGC6946 using GNIRS on the 8.1 meter Gemini-North telescope. Spectra have been obtained on days 22, 33, 43, 53, 107, and 124 days after the discovery of the supernova by Patrick Wiggins on 2017-05-14 (see ATel #10372). Each of the GNIRS spectra is dominated by hydrogen emission lines of the Paschen and Brackett series, the stronger ones accompanied by P-Cygni absorptions. The velocity width of the Pa-beta line is approximately 9500 km/s at 22 day, and the line-widths of the hydrogen lines have decreased with time. The NIR Ca II triplet is one of the strong features and present at all epochs. Lines of C I and O I have also appeared in the later spectra. The day 124 spectrum appears to contain the possible detection of first overtone CO emission at 2.3 microns and beyond, which requires confirmation. Additional observations of this supernova are planned.