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ePESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients

ATel #10739; Kris Rybicki, Mariusz Gromadzki (Warsaw Observatory), Morgan Fraser, Emma Callis (University College Dublin), Joe Anderson (ESO), Annalisa De Cia (Weizmann), I. Manulis (Weizmann), C. Inserra (Southampton), E. Kankare (QUB), K. Maguire (QUB), S. J. Smartt (QUB), K. W. Smith (QUB), M. Sullivan (Southampton), S. Valenti (UC Davis), O. Yaron (Weizmann), D. Young (QUB), A. Moller, B. Tucker, B. Zhang, B. Schmidt (Australian National University), L. Wyrzykowski,(Warsaw Observatory, Poland), Tonry, B. Stalder, L. Denneau., A. Heinze, H. Weiland (IfA, Univ. of Hawaii), A. Rest (STScI)
on 12 Sep 2017; 16:12 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Morgan Fraser (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

ePESSTO, the extended Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (see Smartt et al. 2015, A&A, 579, 40 ), reports the following supernova classifications. Targets were supplied by the SkyMapper survey (Scalzo et al. ATel #5480.), the OGLE-IV Real-time Transient Search (Wyrzykowski et al., 2014 arxiv:1409.1095; ), the ESA Gaia Photometric Science Alerts Team and DPAC (, MASTER (see ; Lipunov et al. 2004, AN, 325, 580) and the ATLAS survey, see Tonry et al. (2011, PASP, 123, 58) and Tonry et al. (ATel #8680). All observations were performed on the ESO New Technology Telescope at La Silla on 2017 Sept. 11, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution). Classifications were done with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) and GELATO (Harutyunyan et al., 2008, A&A, 488, 383). Classification spectra and additional details can be obtained from (via WISeREP) and the IAU Transient Name Server.

Survey Name               | IAU Name  | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Disc. Date | Source    | Disc Mag  | z     | Type | Phase | Notes 
SMT17swb                  | AT2017gjp | 02 47 59.53 | -22 00 00.9 | 20170828  | SkyMapper | 19.5      | 0.036 | II?  | +2w    | (1) 
ATLAS17klo                | SN2017gqg | 23 22 15.15 | -23 42 08.6 | 20170718  | ATLAS     | 20.2      | 0.026 | II   | +2m    |  
ATLAS17koa                | SN2017grd | 06 59 14.59 | +24 55 19.9 | 20170909  | ATLAS     | 17.5      | 0.03  | Ia   | +2w    | 
Gaia17cfa                 | SN2017glu | 02 39 58.28 | -00 31 48.3 | 20170902  | Gaia      | 18.9      | 0.051 | Ia   | +1m    |   
MASTERJ233054.70-365727.8 | -         | 23 30 54.70 | -36 57 27.7 | 20170801  | MASTER    | 17.8      | 0.053 | Ia   | +2w    | 
OGLE17osk                 | -         | 04 03 36.10 | -69 37 45.9 | 20170821  | OGLE      | 20.9      | ?     | ?    | ?      | (2) 

(1) The spectrum is blue, and is well fitted by a 12,000 K blackbody. The only features are a moderate velocity (2800 km/s) Halpha line in emission, and Hbeta (which is detected at much lower S/N, but appears to be narrower.
(2) Blue and featureless continuum, observed at low S/N.