A cooling accretion disk in the black hole candidate SWIFT J1753.5-0127
ATel #1066; J. M. Miller, E. Rykoff (University of Michigan)
on 3 May 2007; 19:22 UT
Credential Certification: Jon Miller (jonmm@umich.edu)
Subjects: X-ray, A Comment, Binary, Black Hole, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 2225
SWIFT J1753.5-0127 belongs to an interesting class of black hole
candidates that appear to remain in the low/hard state during their
outbursts. The well-known black hole XTE J1118+480 is part of this
class. SWIFT J1753.5-0127 is more special still, in that it has
remained active in the low/hard state since the onset of its outburst in 2005 (see Palmer
et al. 2005, ATEL #546).
The low column density along the line of sight to SWIFT J1753.5-0127
makes it possible to detect the blackbody-like spectrum from the
accretion disk, even when it is faint and cool. Miller, Homan, and
Miniutti (2006) detected such a cool (kT ~ 0.2 keV) disk during the
late decay of the initial outburst of this source. They found that
for a plausible range of parameters, the cool disk is consistent with
remaining at the innermost stable circular orbit around the compact
object. Subsequent work on the black hole candidate XTE J1817-330 by
Rykoff et al. (2007) has shown that such cool thermal components are
indeed disks, since they follow a clear T^4 trend, even across large
factors in flux and across state transitions.
In order to further investigate disks in the low/hard state, we
analyzed Swift observations of SWIFT J1753.5-0127 during its 2005
outburst (observations spanning MJD 53562-53605). Fitting a simple
disk blackbody plus power-law model, a cool disk is required at the 3
sigma level or higher in 15 of the early Swift observations when the
transient was still bright. Measured disk temperatures are found to
span 0.28-0.37 keV. Combining these temperature and flux points with
that obtained from XMM-Newton at a later time, it is clear that flux
is positively correlated with temperature. The data are not of
sufficient quality to permit very strong statements, but the trend
seen is broadly consistent with the T^4 relation expected for a
blackbody with a constant emitting area.
This finding supports a growing body of evidence that disks do not
immediately or automatically recede when black holes transition into
the low/hard state, and suggests that advective disks or flows take
hold at lower accretion rates than is marked by the state transition.
A plot of unabsorbed disk flux versus temperature with 90% confidence
errors is available at:
We thank Ian Hoover for help and insights.