Discovery of Six ASAS-SN Supernovae
ATel #10652; J. Brimacombe (Coral Towers Observatory), G. Stone (Sierra Remote Observatories), G. Masi (Virtual Telescope Project, Ceccano, Italy), J. M. Fernandez (Observatory Inmaculada del Molino), R. G. Farfan (Uraniborg Observatory, Sevilla, Spain), R. S. Post (Post Astronomy), P. Vallely, J. S. Brown, K. Z. Stanek, T. W.-S. Holoien, C. S. Kochanek, J. Shields, T. A. Thompson (Ohio State), B. J. Shappee (Hubble Fellow, Carnegie Observatories), J. L. Prieto (Diego Portales; MAS), D. Bersier (LJMU), Subo Dong, S. Bose, Ping Chen (KIAA-PKU), B. Nicholls (Mt. Vernon Obs., New Zealand)
on 17 Aug 2017; 22:08 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Jonathan Brown (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
During the ongoing All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN, Shappee et al. 2014), using data from the quadruple 14-cm "Brutus" telescope in Haleakala, Hawaii and the 14-cm "Cassius" telescope in Cerro Tololo, Chile, we discovered several new transient sources. Properties of the supernovae, as well as associated finding charts showing the archival imaging (left) and the follow-up confirmation image (right) are included in the table below:
Object RA (J2000) DEC (J2000) Redshift Disc. UT Date Disc. V mag Approx. Abs. Mag Offset from Host (")
ASASSN-17jz (AT 2017fro) 17:19:55.849 +41:40:49.32 N/A 2017-07-27.37 ~17.0 N/A 0.1
ASASSN-17kr (AT 2017gas) 20:17:11.320 +58:12:08.00 N/A 2017-08-10.41 ~16.0 N/A 1.8
ASASSN-17ks (AT 2017gat) 23:53:17.032 -32:46:32.83 0.0231 2017-08-13.33 ~16.7 -18.2 1.3
ASASSN-17kt (AT 2017gav) 17:03:21.182 +45:24:48.47 N/A 2017-08-12.33 ~16.9 N/A 1.6
ASASSN-17kw (AT 2017gbk) 06:11:11.769 -33:21:00.28 N/A 2017-08-15.41 ~16.5 N/A 14.8
ASASSN-17kx (AT 2017gbv) 03:42:01.371 -39:19:56.11 N/A 2017-08-16.39 ~17.2 N/A 0.2
Follow-up observations are encouraged.
While we are participating in the TNS system to minimize potential confusion, ASAS-SN will continue using ASASSN-17xx transient names as our primary nomenclature (including supernovae, but also other classes of transients), and we encourage others to do the same. We prefer merging the names as ASASSN-17xx (AT 2017xyz) to preserve, rather than anonymize, the origin of the transient.
We thank Las Cumbres Observatory and its staff for their continued support of ASAS-SN. ASAS-SN is funded in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through grant GBMF5490 to the Ohio State University, NSF grant AST-1515927, the Mt. Cuba Astronomical Foundation, the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) at OSU, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences South America Center for Astronomy (CASSACA). For more information about the ASAS-SN project, see the ASAS-SN Homepage and the list of all ASAS-SN transients.