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Detection of X-ray bursts from IGR J17597-2201 by JEM-X on INTEGRAL

ATel #1054; S. Brandt, C. Budtz-Jørgensen, (DNSC, Copenhagen), D. Gotz (CEA Salcay), K. Hurley (UC Berkeley), F. Frontera (University of Ferrara)
on 13 Apr 2007; 21:58 UT
Credential Certification: Søren Brandt (

Subjects: X-ray, Neutron Star

We report the detection of two X-ray bursts from IGR J17597-2201 with the JEM-X X-ray monitor on INTEGRAL. The bursts were detected during the INTEGRAL TOO observation of SGR 1806-20, April 6-8 2007. The bursts occurred on April 07 2007, 10:06:36 UT and on April 08 2007, 06:40:36 UT, and reached a peak flux of about 0.5 Crab in the 3-10 keV band. The bursts showed a fast rise and exponential decay with an e-folding time of about 5 seconds. The derived position for the 2 bursts is R.A.=17h59m45s, Decl.=-22o01m59s (equinox 2000) with an error radius of 1 arcmin. This is consistent with the XMM position of IGR J17597-2201 reported by Walter et al. (A&A 453, 133-143, 2006). These detections confirm IGR J17597-2201 as a burst source, as suggested by the partial detection of a burst reported by Markwardt et al. (ATEL #156). The effective exposure time, where the source was favorably located less than 2 degrees off axis in JEM-X, was about 8 hours, suggesting a current burst recurrence time of 3-10 hours.