H-alpha confirmation of four June novae in M31
ATel #10522; A. Valcheva (University of Sofia, Bulgaria), A. Kurtenkov (Institute of Astronomy and NAO, BAS), E. Ovcharov (University of Sofia, Bulgaria), P. Nedialkov (University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
on 23 Jun 2017; 15:10 UT
Credential Certification: Evgeni Ovcharov (evgeni@phys.uni-sofia.bg)
We report H-alpha photometry of four novae discovered in June 2017 in M31: PNV J00423878+4115498 = 2017-06a? (ATel# 10476), PNV J00425119+4116279 = 2017-06b (ATEL# 10484), PNV J00423291+4112236 = 2017-06c (ATel# 10484) and PNV J00424379+4113295 = 2017-06f? (ATEL# 10507). The images were obtained with the 2m RCC telescope, equipped with focal reducer FoReRo2, and 50/70cm Schmidt telescope at Rozhen NAO, Bulgaria on 2017 June 22.033 UT. The R-band magnitudes are also available:
PNV J00423878+4115498 = 2017-06a?
2017 06 22.033 UT, Ha=14.82+/-0.02 (3x180s)
2017 06 22.022 UT, R=17.70+/-0.06 (3x180s)
PNV J00425119+4116279 = 2017-06b
2017 06 22.033 UT, Ha=15.39+/-0.02 (3x180s)
2017 06 22.022 UT, R=18.89+/-0.13 (3x180s)
PNV J00423291+4112236 = 2017-06c
2017 06 22.033 UT, Ha=15.57+/-0.02 (3x180s)
2017 06 22.022 UT, R=17.91+/-0.03 (3x180s)
PNV J00424379+4113295 = 2017-06f?
2017 06 22.033 UT, Ha=16.92+/-0.05 (3x180s)
2017 06 22.022 UT, R=17.56+/-0.03 (3x180s)
The presence of H-alpha excess for the nova candidates 2017-06a?, 2017-06b and 2017-06f? strongly supports their classification as novae.