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Spectroscopic Classification of AT 2017ego and confirmation of SN 2017eir with Keck II.

ATel #10505; T. de Jaeger, W. Zheng, T. Brink, A. V. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), B. Cenko (GSFC)
on 19 Jun 2017; 04:24 UT
Credential Certification: Weikang Zheng (

Subjects: Supernovae

We report the classification of AT 2017ego from a spectroscopic observation made on 2017 May 29 UT with the DEep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS) on the Keck II 10-m telescope. We also confirm the classification of SN 2017eir (ATel #10454). The classifications were performed with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024).

IAU Name      | RA (J2000)  | Dec (J2000)   |   z    | Type    | Phase |  Notes 
AT2017ego     | 23:35:23.54 | +03:05:07.48  | 0.063  |  Ia     | -2d   | (1)  
SN2017eir     | 23:51:49.57 | -04:45:45.14  | 0.089  |  Ia     |  0d   | (2)  

(1) The best fit to SN 1996X. 
(2) Already classified in TNS (ATel #10454). The phase and the redshift are consistent with those 
in the previous classification.