Precise astrometric position of SN 2017eaw
ATel #10381; K. Sarneczky, K. Vida, J. Vinko (Konkoly Obs.), T. Szalai (U Szeged)
on 16 May 2017; 19:46 UT
Credential Certification: Jozsef Vinko (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We present precise astrometric position for SN 2017eaw (ATel #10372, #10374, #10376, #10377, #10380) measured on V-band CCD frames taken with the 0.6/0.9m Schmidt-telescope (FoV 35x35 arcmin^2, plate scale 1.02 arcsec/pixel) at Piszkesteto Station of Konkoly Observatory, Hungary on 2017-05-14.99 UT.
The astrometric solution is based on the measured positions of 673 field stars cross-matched with the USNO UCAC-3 catalog. The average FWHM of the sources is 2.5".
The measured position of SN 2017eaw is R.A. = 20h34m44.238s, Dec = +60d11'36.00". The RMS uncertainty of this position is deltaRA = 0.08", deltaD=0.09". The new position of the SN
is within ~0.1" of the original one as reported in ATel #10372.