Resumed optical activity of the blazar CTA102
ATel #10330; V. M. Larionov, S. S. Savchenko (St. Petersburg University), S. G. Jorstad (Boston University and St. Petersburg University), A. Giunta (INAF-Rome Observatory)
on 29 Apr 2017; 10:52 UT
Credential Certification: V. Larionov (
Subjects: Optical, Gamma Ray, Blazar, Quasar
We perform optical monitoring of a sample of bright gamma-ray blazars using the 0.7-m AZT-8 telescope (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Russia), the Perkins telescope (Lowell Observatory, AZ, USA), and the 0.9/0.6-m Schmidt telescope of Rome Observatory (Campo Imperatore, It), as a part of WEBT/GASP project. We resumed our optical observations after a seasonal gap in response to Fermi alert about high gamma-ray activity of the quasar CTA102, which was observed on April 19 (see ATel #10292). Notice that this particular gamma-ray outburst has lasted only one day. In the nights of April 21 and 22 CTA102 was in a rather moderate optical level, with R~ 15.1-14.9 mag. An increase of the optical brightness seems to start on April 25 and continues. Our last observations on April 28 (TJD57872.551) yield R=13.65 and an increase of the optical polarization to 18.8%, as compared to 3% three days before. The R band light curve for CTA102 can be seen on our web-page.