MAXI J1807+132: Lulin observations find substantial optical variability during the X-ray fading phase
ATel #10245; A. K. H. Kong (NTHU & Oxford), R. Jin, C.-H. Tseng, E.-T. Lin (NTHU)
on 6 Apr 2017; 08:09 UT
Credential Certification: Albert Kong (
Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Black Hole, Neutron Star, Transient
Following the reports of decaying X-ray and optical flux of the X-ray
transient MAXI J1807+132 (ATel #10223,#10224,#10227), we observed the
source from 2017 March 30 to April 5 with the 1m telescope at the
Lulin Observatory in Taiwan. The source is clearly detected in all
observations and shows night-to-night variability. In particular, the
last observation taken on April 5 suggests a rebrightening and a bluer
By comparing with the AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS) data,
we estimated the following magnitudes in the g and r bands.
MJD g-band r-band
57842.7322 20.18+/-0.17 (with thin clouds)
57844.8121 20.94+/-0.07 20.60+/-0.07
57845.8122 21.09+/-0.05 20.93+/-0.05
57846.8487 20.93+/-0.05 20.61+/-0.05
57847.8480 21.49+/-0.07 21.00+/-0.06
57848.8334 19.27+/-0.01 19.18+/-0.02
We notice on April 5 (MJD 57848.6506; roughly 5 hours before our
optical observation), there is a 950-sec Swift observation. The source
is not detected with the XRT. Assuming a hydrogen column of 2.3e21
cm^-2 and a photon index of 2.5 (ATel #10224), we derived a 3-sigma
0.3-10 keV unabsorbed flux limit of 9.8e-13 erg/s/cm^2, a factor of 20
fainter than that of March 29.
We strongly encourage multi-wavelength follow-up observations to
monitor the evolution of the outburst of this source.