OGLE-2017-NOVA-01 - A New Galactic Nova in Sagittarius
ATel #10103; J. Skowron, P. Mroz and A. Udalski (Warsaw University Observatory) on behalf of the OGLE-IV survey team
on 20 Feb 2017; 15:13 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: Andrzej Udalski (udalski@astrouw.edu.pl)
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient
We report the discovery of a new Galactic Nova candidate in the fields
of the OGLE sky survey
toward the Galactic Bulge at RA = 18:10:28.29
Dec = -27:29:59.3 (J2000). The transient was discovered by the OGLE
Early Warning System
on Feb 13, 2017 with the
first detection at I~12.2 mag on 2017 Feb 8.35 UT. This was the first
exposure of this field in the 2017 season, hence, the maximum of the
nova outburst likely happened around Jan/Feb 2017. The brightness of
the object currently declines with the rate of ~0.05 mag/day.
Position of the nova candidate indicates that its progenitor is blended
with a ~19.5 mag neighboring star. Past 15 years of continuous OGLE
monitoring provides the 2500-epoch light curve of the blend with no
apparent variability nor periodic signal. The OGLE data indicate that
the amplitude of the outburst was well over 7 mag clearly implying the
nova origin of the transient.
Most recent preliminary photometric measurements are:
2457672.49095 19.398 0.1918
2457673.51090 19.392 0.1744
2457675.51912 19.181 0.1332
2457792.85211 12.176 0.0131
2457793.85932 12.639 0.0069
2457794.86601 12.583 0.0075
2457797.85123 12.379 0.0099
2457799.84524 12.640 0.0069
2457801.83467 12.580 0.0075
2457803.81405 12.618 0.0071
2457803.87192 12.644 0.0069
Preliminary online photometry is available on the OGLE EWS page of
Finding charts of OGLE-2017-NOVA-01